10 September 2009

A Few Questions on Healthcare?

Having re-read the speech I want to know: can Obama answer these questions?

1. If non-profit independent health care cooperatives are such a good idea, why don't we have them already? Liability? Non-viability? Bueller?

2. When you say anyone can lose their health care, did you forget that you and anyone who's ever been in Congress can't?

3. Are you aware that for all your horror stories about our current system there are worse stories from Canada, Britain etc.?

4. Since only YOU, exalted one, can fix, fraud, waste and abuse ( well no one else has been able to) and wring TRILLIONS of savings from the health care system, what do WE do when you're gone? You are planning on leaving office in the next 4-8 years? Aren't you?

5. If nothing in the plan requires VA patients to change their careplan why did you want to bill their insurers earlier this year?

6. When you compare your new requirement for all Americans to carry health insurance to states requiring drivers to carry auto insurance, do you realize that ONLY those who choose to drive are forced to purchase auto insurance. Are you aware that Americans can opt out of auto insurance by not driving?

7. Where in the constitution is the authority to require Americans to purchase health insurance?

8. Not that I personally care, but has it crossed your mind that this requirement will further stigmatize illegal immigrants by forcing them to commit another crime?

9. Will REQUIRING businesses to cover costs of health care hurt the economy by discouraging enterpeneurs and by forcing even more jobs overseas? If not, why not?

10. What happens when a person purchasing her own insurance loses an income source?Has unexpected expenses? Misses a few payments? Is it a federal offense? Does it make you a criminal? Felony, misdemeanor, violation?

11. Isn't choosing how to spend our own money and deciding where to take risks what the founding fathers meant by "pursuit of happiness?"

12. When you say: "Unfortunately, in 34 states, 75 percent of the insurance market is controlled by five or fewer companies. In Alabama, almost 90 percent is controlled by just one company." Why then are you opposed to allowing insurers to do business across state lines?

13. "Now, Here's what you need to know. First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits, either now or in the future." Starting when? Really? Because wouldn't that be a change from the first 8 months of Obamasatan?

14. "And -- and I will make sure that no government bureaucrat or insurance company bureaucrat gets between you and the care that you need." How?

15. "And we will also create an independent commission of doctors and medical experts charged with identifying more waste in the years ahead." How does your Messiahship plan to reconcile this with the previous statement?

16 When you say "...reforming malpractice laws..." do you mean tort reform? Will Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid seriously entertain that? If they do who will fund the DNC in the next election cycle?

17. Do you think that Ted Kennedy's will leaves more money to purchase health insurance for the poor than it leaves wealth to his children?

18. Is it possible to oppose this reform, without being demonized by the president? Does my conscience count, or am I being unpatriotic?

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